A Better Way to Health with Dr. Stuart Shipe
A Better Way to Health with Dr. Stuart Shipe
What Can You Do To Keep Your Heart Healthy?
In this episode of "A Better Way to Health," Dr. Shipe covers the number one killer of Americans - heart disease - unfortunately, acute coronary symptoms in women are often unnoticed and go untreated. Dr. Shipe will cover the root causes of arteriosclerosis - the hardening of the arteries, which leads to heart disease. Dr. Shipe talks about symptoms that indicate a potential coronary event, what you need to know to prevent heart attacks or strokes, and what modalities in Traditional Chinese Medicine can do to keep your heart healthy.
For more information about today's show or products, please contact Women's Traditional Chinese Healing through our website, www.traditionalchinesehealing.com, or email us at info@traditionalchinesehealing.com or call us at 772-398-4550.