A Better Way to Health with Dr. Stuart Shipe
A Better Way to Health with Dr. Stuart Shipe
Can Acupuncture and TCM Help Relieve Arthritis Pain?
Welcome back to "A Better Way To Health. In this episode, Dr. Shipe is diving into a problem that often doesn't have any symptoms in a patient's 20s and 30s - but as you age, it becomes a significant issue, and that's "degenerative joint disease," commonly known as "osteoarthritis." There are so many forms of arthritis; nearly 70% of individuals will encounter arthritis as we age.
If you're living with arthritis symptoms, we know how challenging it can be to find relief from your joint pain. You're not alone. The breakdown of cartilage that takes root in your hips, hands, knees, lower back, elbows, and neck is painful, and weight, age, and genetics can also play a role in your risk for injury. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a common type of arthritis where the arthritic joints become inflamed and can lead to long-term damage and motion loss.
Let's get to the root causes of your arthritis. Fortunately, acupuncture and the modalities of care we offer at Women's Traditional Chinese Healing are safe, effective, natural, and drug-free. As a result, we can help alleviate those symptoms and get you well. Learn more on today's show.
For more information about today's show or products, don't hesitate to contact Women's Traditional Chinese Healing through our website, www.traditionalchinesehealing.com, email us at info@traditionalchinesehealing.com, or call us at 772-398-4550.