A Better Way to Health with Dr. Stuart Shipe
Welcome to "A Better Way to Health" with Stuart Shipe, DAOM, Founder of and Lead Physician at Women's Traditional Chinese Healing. Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) take a holistic approach to wellness. In this podcast, Dr. Shipe will teach you the foundational principles of TCM so that you know how to get and stay well throughout the different phases of your life. Dr. Shipe also offers telehealth appointments for patients nationwide. For more information about Women's Traditional Chinese Healing, please visit www.traditionalchinesehealing.com. Social? Please find us at @womenschinesehealing or follow us on Twitter @DrShipe.
A Better Way to Health with Dr. Stuart Shipe
Could Mold, Yeast, And Other Fungi Be Causing Your Symptoms?
Dr. Stuart Shipe
Welcome back to another episode of Dr. Shipe's show, "A Better Way to Health." This week we're covering something insidious that might be lingering in your home and can be the underlying cause of many diseases and conditions. Mold, or "fungi," can be a great tool like cordyceps-based herbal remedies, but unfortunately, mold and fungal infections and overgrowth (like Candida) can devastate your health. Tune in to today's show to learn more.
For more information about today's show or products, don't hesitate to contact Women's Traditional Chinese Healing through our website, www.traditionalchinesehealing.com, email us at info@traditionalchinesehealing.com, or call us at 772-398-4550.